Tuesday Aug 27, 2019

7 Simple Hacks from Podcast Movement 2019 to Boost Your Business or Career - BtR 189

Jerry shares with Brandon the top seven takeaways from Podcast Movement 2019 that will boost your business or career.

An Orlando Podcast Conference

Not being able to attend Podcast Movement 2018 was a painful moment. Jerry had desired to attend this gathering of 3000 podcasters since the first event in 2014 by founders Jared Easley and Dan Franks. 

It was Podcast Movement 2019 or bust for Jerry, and he made it happen. The experience was worth every penny. The networking, the sessions, and the vendor booths gave him insights on how you can boost your business or boost your career with seven simple hacks, or practices. 

The fact that the event was held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando made it a nicer experience. It was the icing on the cake.

It was such a valuable experience that Jerry has already purchased his ticket for Podcast Movement 2020.

How to Increase Business Growth and Boost Your Business

Many of the podcasters who attended the Podcast Movement were bootstrapping their endeavors. That meant they needed to learn how to expand their business without money.

Maybe you are not a business owner. These seven simple hacks are growth techniques that will also help you boost your career. 

7 Simple Hacks to Boost Your Business or Career

  1. Connect with people not numbers
  2. Identify and really pour into your Superfans
  3. Provide a place your tribe to communicate with you and each other
  4. Be open to new tools that will make operations and strategy execution easier
  5. Seize the moment - but know what those moments are
  6. Push out of your comfort zones - Be a GUEST!
  7. Have milestone clarity and know the state of your industry

Listen to the full episode to learn about the context of each of those hacks.

Resources and Links
Sign up for Podcast Movement 2020, PodcastMovement.com/2020

Download a FREE copy of Measure It to Make It and #MakeYourOwnPath to living the life you always dreamed of living. 

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