Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
A Simple Life is a Bigger Life – an Interview with Sara McDaniel BtR 025
Brandon and Jerry interview Sara McDaniel from the blog SimplySara.com about simple living as bigger living, significance from service to others, getting out of our comfort zones, and lifting herself from the rut of divorce.How are you currently living to get out of your comfort zone?"A simple life is a bigger life." - Brandon CunninghamJeff Goins' Wrecked Vision Trip in GuatemalaSara took a leap of faith out of her comfort zone by joining Jeff Goins and other strangers on his Wrecked mission trip to Guatemala where she served the needs of those who lived in the lowest level of poverty she had ever witnessed. A Bigger Life by Serving OthersWhile she is someone who travels throughout the United States of America for her day job, this was her first trip to a foreign country. The trip changed her in a way that she continues to serve the needs of those in poverty back home in Corpus Christi, Texas through her church's Taking It to the Streets ministry.Sara's revelation that led her to living a simple life and serving those in poverty involved a realization that she was living her life initially to the expectations of others. Status symbols, career ladders, and family status are no longer the metrics she uses to measure the impact of her life. Listen to this episode to learn more.Resources and LinksWhat I Learned from Not Purchasing Clothes for One Year by Sara McDanielDownload this episode (right-click or press-and-hold)
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