Tuesday Sep 03, 2019

Authentic Manhood, Sexual Brokenness and Other Struggles of a Christian Man - Traylor Lovvorn - BtR 190

Traylor Lovvorn and Jerry discuss the struggles of a Christian man including sexual brokenness and how it all connects with authentic manhood.

Authentic Manhood - Struggles of a Christian Man
Pornography and lust are part of the struggles of a Christian man. Society tells us that manly men must have sexual conquests. What we really desire is connection and permission to have an identity of authentic manhood.

Christian men are not immune to divorce. We are not even immune to sexual addiction. Jerry has shared that he was exposed to pornography at the age of seven years old. While he tried to justify his porn stash to his wife, it was sending a clear message to her that she was not enough for him. This tension was bringing him to the trust that he was experiencing sexual brokenness.

Fortunately, Jerry was able to find a lot of what Traylor talks about in this episode, community among Christian men, strength to be weak in front of his spouse and godly men, and exposing the secret he had been trying to keep all those years.

Traylor Lovvorn - Undone Redone

Their divorce didn’t work out. That is what Traylor Lovvorn tells people today when they ask about his marriage.

Traylor was undone by his addiction to pornography. His 11-year marriage ended in sexual brokenness. The appearance of being a “perfect Christian man” fell apart all around him, and he was left only with what would bring him to authentic manhood. 

Six years into their divorce, reconciliation brought Tray and Mel back together and they remarried. Their platform Undone Redone now helps men search for what it means to be a godly man and how to deal with the trauma of betrayal. At the time of this episode, they have been remarried for eleven years, so 11-6-11 and counting!

They have dedicated their second marriage to ministering those who face the struggles of a Christian man, and help marriages thrive through their weaknesses.

Episode Timestamps

3:50 What is Undone Redone?

5:18 Why do men wait until a crisis hits instead of maintenance?

6:30 Dealing with shame - pornography addiction, sexual brokenness

10:20 Cheer up, you’re much worse off than you think! - Authentic manhood

14:05 Facing the facade and having permission to feel the full range of emotions

17:10 Practical tips for Christian men - community

20:23 Best way to connect with Tray from Undone Redone

24:28 Closing remarks

Read the complete show notes here, https://beyondtherut.com/190

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