Friday Oct 02, 2015

BtR 006 – Be Intentional: Never Leave Your Closest Relationships to Chance

We plan for weddings, vacations, and hobbies, yet rarely plan to make our closest relationships better. We tend to think they will just work themselves out.  Is this a great approach for something so important?When it comes to marriage, we have to continue dating our spouse. This is not something that happens easily.  Life keeps on going and the next thing you know it has been 6 months since you spent time alone with your spouse.“The main way to resist the forces that pull us apart —the natural drift of marriage over time and the pull of the consumer culture —is to be a couple who carefully cultivates commitment and ways to connect over the years” - William DohertyIntentionality applies to your kids as well.  You have to get passed the closed door of a teenager and be purposeful in how you relate.We will give you some ideas on how to have an inexpensive and consistent date night. As you start to implement date night, you will be demonstrating to your kids that your marriage is the highest priority.  In doing this, you provide them with perspective and a sense of security.Also, share in the comments below some of the things you do to intentionally stay close in your closest relationships.Resources and LinksFree Range Kids www.freerangekids.comInvest in your marriage with a conference and getaway, and use Group Name "BeyondTheRut" to save $100 off the couple registration.Articles from Shawn's blog:Dads Need to Lead with Their EarsApathetic MarriageBook: The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman (2015 edition)Article: Living an Intentional Marriage - Marriage Message #165 from Marriage Missions International 

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