Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
BtR 017 Time Management, Tips and Tricks to Avoid the Time Traps in Your Life
Time management is what we will discuss in this episode of Beyond the Rut. There are time traps we all face that can sap us of the time we need to get things done for our dreams. You may find that you're having a hard time balancing the act among working full-time, raising a family, and pursuing your dreams. Whatever your dreams may be, time management is critical for you to reach our goals. We'll share with you tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your day.What you can expect from this episode on time managementIn this episode you'll hear Brandon and Shawn talk about the following:How your day should really start with the night beforeHow to avoid or handle some of the common time suckers in your life: clutter, email, smartphone notifications, and moreKeeping a schedule to focus on what is most importantSimple tools used every day consistently for effective time managementPeople struggle with time management. Today's society allows for so much instant gratification. Apps let us avoid the necessity of planning and waiting in lines. Convenience stores exist for a reason after all.Someone else will always try to dictate your day with their agenda. With a few simple, consistent techniques, you can focus on your own agenda for a change.Resources and LinksCheck out these resources related to time management to help you get the most out of your day.Time Power: A Proven System for Getting More Done in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy (Buy it on Amazon)Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen (Buy it on Amazon) Shave Ten Hours Off Your Workweek by Michael Hyatt (free resource)How I Get to Inbox Zero in Outlook from Hackerspace
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