Tuesday May 09, 2017
Doug Wilks – How to Focus on Your Strengths So Everything Falls Into Place BtR 087
Doug Wilks is a strengths coach. While that may sound like someone you'd find at a fitness center near you, it's not.You may have heard of Clifton's StrengthsFinder, and that is more along the lines of what we are discussing in this episode.Learn more about what Doug does at his website, StrengthsLauncher.com.Most people work on their weaknesses to improve their situation at work. Doug coaches people how focusing on strengths is a better approach.Listen as Brandon, Jerry and Doug discuss how we should hone in on our talents so they become strengths. Doug also shares how the focus on our strengths leads us to a place where everything else falls into place.Other LinksEmail Doug Wilks at hello@strengthslauncher.comFollow Doug on Twitter @wilksdoug
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