Tuesday Mar 20, 2018

From Desk Potato to Marathon Runner Trevor Spencer – BtR 123

Trevor SpencerTrevor Spencer was living the dream. The only problem was that he was living in a physical rut as a desk potato. Lots of work at a desk with very little movement beyond mouse clicks and keyboard strokes.We often say on Beyond the Rut that you already have what you need to pursue a better life, and Trevor was no different. He is married to a marathon runner, Angie Spencer. She gladly put together a running plan for Trevor. He put in the work, because there's just no substitute for doing the work, and has now completed 14 marathons and 15 half-marathons at the time of this recording.Marathon Training AcademyTrevor Spencer and his wife Angie run a website and host a podcast called Marathon Training Academy where they coach members to safely and enjoyably run their own marathons.Experiencing a transformation in his life and health through running, Trevor is passionate about sharing his message with new runners. He created the MTA tagline, “You have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life!The Marathon Training Academy Podcast began in 2010. The show inspires everyday people to live healthier lives. Listeners achieve fitness goals by unleashing their marathon potential. The show features actionable training wisdom delivered in a funny and relatable style. The podcast is downloaded over 100,000 times per month by listeners around the world and is a hand-selected iTunes Essentials running podcast.Resources and LinksVisit Trevor Spencer's website, MarathonTrainingAcademy.comSubscribe to the Marathon Training Academy Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.Listen to the episode Jerry mentions in this episode where Trevor and Angie interview Sean Astin. Yes, the guy from "Goonies"!Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Twitter.com/beyondtherutFacebook: Beyond the Rut

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