Tuesday Sep 05, 2017

From Laid Off to Business Startup Helping Indie Authors – BtR 101

Indie authors struggle with getting their works out into the public without the backing of the big five publishing houses. It's a tough barrier of entry for most.Recent tools have allowed writers to publish their works at a scale of 2-to-1 according to Patomi Media Group founder, Naomi Blackburn. More is needed to gain traction is a saturated market.Readers are limited in their thinking if they are reading simply what everyone else is reading in the Bestseller lists. A diversity of reading material also means diversity in thought.That is where Patomi Media Group comes in linking up indie authors with possible outlets and linking readers to up and coming indie authors. She does this by leveraging a magazine to bridge relationships among librarians, readers, and indie authors.Deeper StoryWe will also get to hear Naomi's deeper story about a career rut that led to a layoff. Banks would not finance her dream, and how she realized she didn't need bank loans to carry on.Naomi's story is one about taking a personal leap of faith, finding support, and helping others. If you are an indie author looking to get your work noticed, or know someone who is, this is the episode you don't want to miss.Resources and LinksPatomi Media Group Facebook PageIndiePicks website IndiePicksMag.comOur interview with indie author, Jeff Goins, Discarding the Myth of the Starving Artist

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