Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
How Leaders Overcoming Adversity Builds Authentic Leadership – BtR 168
Brandon and Jerry discuss with author and professor Dr. James Kelley his research with executive leaders on how leaders overcoming adversity builds authentic leadership characteristics.Leaders Overcoming Adversity – The Crucible’s GiftThe Crucible’s Gift is Dr. James Kelley’s first book on authentic leadership. His work interviewing C-Suite executives showcased the person behind the title. It is through that work that he discovered a common thread among those he interviewed. They were shaped by facing a defining challenge in their careers or their lives.Leaders overcoming adversity is a process that hones the best, and sometimes the worst, in who we are.Strategies for Building Trust with EmployeesYou may be a leader seeking to learn secrets in how to build trust in a team. This is the episode for you. Listen in as we discuss the relationship between trust and leadership.Leaders who overcame adversity have learned how to align their goals with their core values. It is because they present themselves in a genuine way people believe in them, their vision, and their decisions.Check out the resource links below to connect with a copy of The Crucible’s Gift, or listen to Executives After Hours for authentic leadership examples.Be Real with YourselfThe strive for authentic leadership should not be the end-goal in our lives. It is actually a by-product of being true to yourself in any relationship. We discuss with Dr. James Kelley how he landed a teaching gig at a university in Dubai. It was the culmination of many decisions all aligned with his core values and the courage to step out in faith to follow his dreams.The message here is that leaders who overcome adversity learn to get past imposter syndrome anxiety, and by being real with yourself you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of living beyond the rut!Bio for Dr. James KelleyDr. James Kelley is a professor, author, and podcaster who explores the underlying influences of executive leaders and authentic leadership characteristics. With over 140 conversations recorded through his show, Executives After Hours, Dr. Kelley noticed a pattern of leaders overcoming adversity to grow their authentic style of leadership.Today, Dr. Kelley shares how he enjoys living and working in Dubai with his family embracing one of his greatest core values of inclusion. Growing through his own adversities have helped him build the life he has always dreamed of living beyond the rut.ResourcesBuy the Book on Amazon.com, The Crucible’s Gift: 5 Lessons from Authentic Leaders Who Thrive in Adversity. (Affiliate link with Amazon. See our affiliate disclosure here.)Listen to past episodes of Executives After Hours and learn about the lives of C-Suite executives.Visit Dr. James Kelley’s website, read the blog, book him for a training session and more at DrJamesKelley.com.Follow Dr. James Kelley on Twitter at @ExecutivesAHourRecent Beyond t
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