Sunday Oct 13, 2019

How Military Spouse Laura Pennington-Briggs Began a Successful Freelance Writing Business - BtR 196

Laura Pennington-Briggs was a military spouse who found her success by becoming a digital nomad running a successful freelance writing business.

The landscape of the economy has changed. Businesses need to remain competitive in their markets, but may not be in a position to hire full-time staff. There may be special projects that require special skillsets for a short period of time. That is where freelancers come into play.

Her reason for doing freelance writing was to have meaningful work that fit her lifestyle of moving around the world with her husband who was serving in the U.S. military at the time. As her success grew, she found herself giving TEDx Talks on the subject and helping others launch their own freelance writing business. She has now helped over 5,000 writers do just that.

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