Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
How to be Authentic as a Man in Today’s Society with Oscar Banks – BtR 149
Pastor Oscar Banks shares his story about becoming aminister and insights on howto be authentic as a man in today's society. Growing up in a home thatlacked a father, Oscar learned about authentic manhood from other father figures who stepped up to thechallenge. Men who were teachers, coaches, and elders from his church investedtime in his life to on what it meant to be a man of character.Insights on How to be AuthenticWhat keeps us from living an authentic life as men? Today’s society floods us with messaging about what freedom, strength, and toughness look like for men. It includes things like sleeping around, living carefree, and not looking weak in front of the guys.The aftermath leaves us living in loneliness while cavinginto peer pressure because we think we are actually living up to an image. Itmakes one wonder what doesauthenticity mean to these men who struggle and wallow.Livingan authentic life means first being true to ourselves no matter what thecost. It means choosing to go home to one’s family rather than hang out withthe guys at a strip club. It means spending time in the relationships thatmatter most when given the choice and opportunity. If you want to know how to be authentic, startwith knowing what you stand for and remove any semblance of compromise in yourlife.3 Benefits of Living an Authentic LifeFirst, you garner more respect from others, and more importantly from yourself.If you fake it in life, you become fake. When your actionsare in alignment with your inner beliefs and values, people recognize andappreciate you for presenting your true self. They may not agree with what you present,but they at least respect that they can trust where you are coming from. Think about someone you know whose words and actions do notalign. You can spot a phony and you don’t have the respect for them they thinkyou have, right?Second, you find more happiness in life.Stronger and closer relationships with those we love. Whodoes not want that? When you have figured out how to be authentic, people trust you and drawcloser to you. This is not some formula on how to manipulate people to likeyou. It is about taking the time to show your genuine character consistently.Walk away from the things that pose a threat to what you hold most dear and youwill find that your loved ones notice. They may not know of the decision you made,but they will know you decided to be there.Third, you can exhibit authentic leadership at every level of your life.When you are living an authentic life, that bleeds into everyfacet of your life. Your coworkers will be drawn to you because your leadershipstyle is one they can count on. It is important that people understand whereyou are coming from. It is crucial they see your values and your behaviorsspeak truly to one another.Resources and LinksCheck out and Subscribe to Oscar’s YouTube Channel, Mastering Mindset Renewal with Oscar Banks.L
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