Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
How to be Successful in Business by Harnessing the Power of Words with Mary Shores – BtR 148
Womanentrepreneur, author, and accidental mentor, Mary Shores joins us on Beyond the Rut to sharehow to be successful inbusiness by harnessing the power of words. It may seem oversimplified that if you know how to change your mindset and attitudeyou can succeed in your business venture, career goals, or some otherchallenge. The words we speak over ourselves, within ourselves, orabout ourselves have the power to propel us forward or hold us back. BrandonCunningham often says about self-talk that “If anyone spoke to you the way youspeak to yourself, you’d punch that person in the mouth.” How do you change your mindset for success?Change the words you use about your dream. Remove “but” from your vocabulary.Why Mary Shores Can Show You How to be Successful in BusinessMary opened up a collection agency at the age of 24 yearsold. She was a woman CEO in an industry dominated by men. Finding clarity onwhy she went into the business helped her reshape her perspective on customerservice. What if we collected what is owed to our clients and make those on theother end of the call feel happier?Shores not only found success in collections in arevolutionary way, she became the accidental mentor to her staff, women entrepreneurs andanyone looking to get out of a rut in any given area of their lives.Her book titled ConsciousCommunications shares the key to success in life may lie in how we speak about our goalsand dreams.Power of Words Examples“I want to be a podcaster, but I don’tknow how to begin.”“I want to write a book, but I don’thave time to write.”“It’d be nice to have financialfreedom. I just don’t know how to make ends meet.”“I want to be in betterphysical health, but I can’t afford a gym membership.”You get the picture, right?Maybe you’ve spoken these words over yourself recently.Whether you’re looking for tips to be successful in life,or how to be successful incareer, business, sports coaching, and so on, check out thisconversation with MaryShores. You won’t be disappointed.Resources and LinksVisit Mary’s website, MaryShores.comFollow Mary on Facebook.Join Mary's Facebook Group, Fearless Ambition.Buy the book on Amazon – Conscious Communications: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Harnessing the Power of Your Words to Change Your Mind, Your Choices, and Your LifeJeff Goins book You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) is an inspirational read about how to change your mindset and attitude on writing.Go back in time and listen toour episodes on self-talk, affirmations and other talks on the power of words.How to Use Self-Talk to Your Advantage – BtR 002Microfears, Overcoming Fear That Hits You for a Moment - BtR 023Ty Foster on How to Use GPS to Find Your Passion and Life Purpose – BtR 065Read “The Morning Routine that Gives You the Advantage to Succeed for the Day”Contact UsSubscribeon iTunes or Stitcher and never miss an episodeTwitter @beyondtherutFacebook Beyond the Ru
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