Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
How to Find that Extra Time for Your Own Miracle Morning – BtR 137
Miracle Morning? What is that?by JerryI have wanted to conduct a series of activities every morning that I knew would be good for my mind, my body and my soul. The problem is that I never really committed to a time or structure. As a result, my life followed the same pattern that many other people follow. I wake up with enough time to get ready for work and then go to work. While I am happy to be alive, my mindset and my outset never showed it.At the suggestion of Jeff Bezos, okay Amazon.com, I got a copy of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and found the routine and process I needed. I'm someone who enjoys a good life hack now and then and discovering this simple and not-so-obvious set of life hacks had me excited.It has been five weeks for me at the time of this episodes recording, July 1, 2018. My normal wake up time used to be 7 am, and it is now 5 am. I used to hit my snooze button from 6 am until 7 am, then scramble to get ready for work. Today, I hop out of bed, turn off my alarm right away and start my daily routine.My daily routine has brought me peace of mind instead of the fatigue and loss of productivity others had predicted for me. Being able to read my Bible, journal and spend time in prayer every morning consistently has actually prepared me to tackle just about any challenge that is thrown my way with a healthy perspective.Resources and LinksBtR 133 - If You Are Too Busy to Listen to This Episode, You Need This Episode!Buy the Book – The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret to Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8 am by Hal ElrodBuy the Book - The Happiness Advantage by Shawn AchorConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Twitter.com/beyondtherutFacebook: Beyond the Rut
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