Monday Aug 09, 2021
How to Live a Fulfilling Life Beyond the Rut
We have a discussion on how to live a fulfilling life through balancing the areas of faith, family, fitness, finances, and your outlook on future possibilities.
Happy Life Versus Fulfilled Life
“I’m just not happy in my ____.” Have you caught yourself saying this before? If so, you may be stuck in a rut. Positive psychology, such as what is described in Shawn Achor’s The Happiness Advantage, posits that if we put on a happy mindset or a positive mindset, then the happiness we are looking for will come. That is a gross over-simplification. You can listen to our 2-part series on The Happiness Advantage here.
Positive psychology is a great start and a very important one, however as an emotion, happiness can be fleeting and not very sustainable. What we may be looking for is how to live a fulfilling life.
I’ve been saying lately, “Life is just too dang short to live stuck in a rut.” When you ask yourself about the meaning of life, how will you measure that things are going well? How will you determine that it was meaningful?
See the show notes at https://beyondtherut.com/268
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Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | https://youtu.be/aUHdSwhiNVU
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