Tuesday Apr 03, 2018

How to Re-Energize at Work – BtR 125

In a Rut at Work?Do you feel like you are in a rut at work? Maybe you catch yourself hitting that snooze button on your alarm eight times too many every morning. Many of our episodes have been about people who left their jobs to start a business. That does not have to be the case for everyone. You may like the corporate environment. It's just time to re-energize yourself and your career.Brandon and Jerry came across an article written by Christina Wilson of a blog titled The Charlotte Agenda. Wilson interviews executive recruiter from Lowe's, Courtney Rhodes regarding tips to re-energize yourself at work.You can regain your footing and create results again that get you noticed with just a few simple tips to boost your energy and mindset at work.Read the Article That Inspired This EpisodeWhile we'd love to re-write this article and try to pass it as our own, that simply is not the right thing to do.Click here to read the original article written by Christina Wilson based on an interview with Courtney Rhodes.Resources and LinksListen to our interview with Scott Barlow from Happen to Your Career podcast.Dondi Scumaci talks about Energizing Your Way Out of a Job Jail Rut.Lee Cockerell, retired Walt Disney World executive, discusses ways to advance your career.Level Up Your Career or Business, BtR 070.Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Twitter.com/beyondtherutFacebook: Beyond the Rut

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