Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Jerry’s Sci-Fi Keto Diet, the Importance of Rest, and Goal Management BtR 185
Brandon and Jerry discuss the keto diet Jerry’s been on as well as the importance of rest and measuring your goals.The Importance of Getting RestRest plays a major role in our performance whether at home or at work. The Bible talks about working for six days then resting on the seventh. It even talks about vacations and sabbaticals, sorta. Don’t believe us? It’s in Leviticus 25, the Sabbath Year. Before you run off to tell your boss and your family you’re taking an entire year off from work, take a listen to this episode. Think about the ways you can build rest into your week. Where can you slow down, even minimize your activities to spend more time doing what matters most and with who matters most?Tweet This! Pin It! "Jerry's Sci-Fi Keto Diet, the Importance of Rest, and Goal Management."The Keto DietJerry started the ketogenic diet in March of 2019. This came after watching the documentary “The Magic Pill” on Netflix. All the education he had about carbohydrates, especially sugar, made sense.Since starting the keto diet, Jerry has experienced a drop in 30 pounds. He’s had to buy new, smaller pants just a couple months into the diet! Most noticeable has been his boost in energy.Listen to this episode as Jerry describes what the keto diet looks like for him.Measure It to Make It - Success with Goals One of the keys for success with the keto diet for Jerry has been measuring his progress with the foods he eats. It also helps him know when he is off-target and needs to make different choices with the next meal. You can also find success in measuring your progress with your goals.Resources and LinksYouTube Channels and VideosWatch Dr. Eric Berg describe the science behind the ketogenic diet. He is a chiropractor by trade and has been teaching nutrition to medical students for years.Dr. Annette Bosworth prescribes the keto diet to her cancer patients and shares education on her channel about the ins and outs of the diet as well as the successes she has seen with her own patients.Thomas DeLauer will geek out as he shares with you the science behind the ketogenic diet. Jerry’s Note: I mainly watch Thomas and pretend I can fit into tight shirts, but that isn’t true. Not yet, anyway.Dr. Ken Berry has been prescribing the ketogenic diet to his patients for years and seen results. I like watching him for the practical tips, and down to earth explanations.There is a documentary on Netflix titled “The Magic Pill,” which is worth watching.Research Articles"Implementing a Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet to Manage Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus," Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism. Read the abstract here."Prolonged Meat Diets with a Study of Kidney Function and Ketosis," from Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC.org.) Read the full article here."Metabolic Characteristics of Keto-Adapted Ultra-Endurance Runners," Metabolism. Read the abstract here."Effectiveness and Safe
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