Tuesday May 03, 2016
Lessons Learned in Podcast Audience Growth – BtR 035
Connect with us. Email a comment or question for the show, info@beyondtherut.com. Or, call and leave a message to play in a future episode, (361) 596-3788.Lessons LearnedSeven months ago, we launched Beyond the Rut Podcast after eight months of planning and replanting. There were successes and failures along the way.While we gave advice and encouragement, we also found ourselves faced with discouragement and needing advice ourselves. That's where we came across advice that helped us see things with a new perspective. Listen in on how feedback from our audience helped us make a major format shift at the start of 2016.It wasn't just listening to our current audience that helped us out in those first seven months. We became avid fans and students of podcasters like Jared Easley, Jody Maberry, and Jeff Goins studying how they shared their uniqueness, structured, their shows, and applied what we learned to Beyond the Rut.A funny thing began to happen. We started following our own advice. It started with looking within our own circles of influence for our first interviews, and we found them with Davidson Young of The Leaders Foundry Podcast and Sara McDaniel of the blog titled Simply Sara. We got out of our comfort zones with those first two interviews placing our faith and trust in the insights of others.We're podcasters not photographers!One thing is for certain. Beyond the Rut today is different than when we started. Whatever you start today may not be where you are in six months if you're making forward progress and considering the feedback you're getting from the field.Podcast Audience GrowthOur audience has been growing from dozens of unique downloads per month to hundreds! It's still far short of where we want to be, and it is also a victory in ways. Here are some things we learned about podcast audience growth: Appreciate the audience you have now. Engage your audience by asking for feedback. Focus on providing valuable content to your audience. Meet new people through your current circles.Our biggest leaps in our podcast audience growth have come through the connections we already had in our lives.Resources and LinksBtR 027 - Just Take Action and Other Insights from Jody MaberryBtR 031 - Benjamin Hardy on Happiness, Reality, and Writing for YourselfBtR 032 - Cynthia Tripathi on Sparking Positive Momentum and Escamping AverageSecrets of a Great Podcast with Jeff Brown - The Jody Maberry Show (on iTunes)Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck by Jon Acuff (Buy it on Amazon)Podcasting Good to Great: How to Grow Your Audience Through Collaboration by Jared Easley (Buy it on Amazon)Fuzzy's Taco Shop
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Click on BeyondTheRut.com/capsho to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.
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Click on BeyondTheRut.com/capsho to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.