Sunday Aug 23, 2015

Life-Changing Ways to Take Advantage of Your Self-Talk

When you venture out to make your own path, your self-talk plays a critical role in either your failure or success. Let's talk about how to use self-talk to your advantage.

How Self-Talk Has Power

“Whether you believe you can, or can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford

A friend of Beyond the Rut’s once shared that he was putting together a business plan. He has the financial backers he needed for the initial capital. Those backers felt he had the skills, experience, and plan to be successful, and they spoke with their wallets. They were ready, but was he? The conversation continued and his personal doubts surfaced. He wasn’t good enough. The plan wasn’t good enough. This may all be a mistake. I’m going to fail again. I can’t pay these people back if that happens. He was ready to throw in the towel and continue with his 9-to-5 job that he hated because it was the safer thing to do.

That is when Brandon chimed in and reminded him that the biggest critic we will face will always be within ourselves. The friend snapped out of his downward spiral and began to tighten up the plan before launch.

Your self-talk can make or break your success in many facets of life. All things being equal when faced with a task at work, the inner dialogue of “I’m in over my head” leads to a different action than “I have the experience and skills to get this done.” Which inner response above do you feel will produce positive results? 

The sad truth is that most of us will talk to ourselves in a way that we would never allow someone else to do to us. What we believe in ourselves can be seen by how we speak about ourselves and to ourselves. What does your inner dialogue say about you?

Self-talk goes beyond the Saturday Night Live’s Stuart Smalley mantra of, “…and, Gosh darn it! People like me.”

It is vital we win the battle of self-talk within us so we can win in the world around us.

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