Tuesday Sep 24, 2019

Master Passive Income from Real Estate with Dustin Heiner - BtR 193

Dustin was feeling life slip through his fingers if something didn’t change. Financial independence was the way to go so that he could live WITH his family during the years he has on this earth. He dabbled with a variety of entrepreneurial ventures, but only one would support the lifestyle he desired. That was passive income from real estate. 

He immediately looked at the resources he had available, conducted research on where he should make that first investment. California, where he lived at the time, was too expensive and he would not generate any income from anything he purchased. That first piece of passive income rental property was in Ohio! Ohio?! Yes, Ohio.

Over the span of six years, Dustin Heiner was able to own enough passive assets to leave his job. Dustin and his wife homeschool their children and travel wherever they like. They are teaching their children about financial independence, a topic that is not taught in schools. 

The amount of time Dustin spends each month is less than Tim Ferriss’ The Four-Hour Work Week. Property managers and other service professionals handle the work. He keeps what is left after he has paid his team for their services.

His hope is to help others realize they, too, can live the life they always dreamed of living beyond the rut. Passive income from real estate could be the vehicle to finance your dream.

See the full show notes at https://beyondtherut.com/193

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