Tuesday Mar 13, 2018

Melissa Monte on Knowing What You Stand For – BtR 122

Melissa MonteWe are wrapping up our conversation with Melissa Monte from Episode 121.Melissa Monte is one of today’s influential and thought-provoking explorers of the mindset and positive energy. She’s known for her ability to educe and explain complex ideas with humor and clarity, in a way that deeply connects with a wide audience.She was a victim of sexual assault, twice! She suffered the loss of a close friend by suicide, struggled with bulimia, lost a parent to lymphoma and even spent time in jail because of an ex-boyfriend.You wouldn’t think any of that when you speak with her, because of how much positive energy she exudes. Today, Melissa hosts Mind Love podcast. Mind Love is a show about creating a positive mindset to pursue the life that will make you happy and fulfilled.In This Episode Hitting setbacks when your past wants to haunt you - New Zealand trip Importance of positive routines Identify and replace your limiting beliefs A physical tips on getting out of your tunnel vision and anxiety Know what your core pillars are in your beliefs, stand for themResources and LinksVisit Melissa’s website MindLove.comListen to Mind Love Podcast on iTunes, StitcherRead The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel RuizThe Power by Rhonda ByrneConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Twitter.com/beyondtherutFacebook: Beyond the Rut

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