Monday Mar 22, 2021
Parenting a Child with Type-1 Diabetes Stacey Simms
Stacey Simms once proclaimed herself the "worst diabetes mom" is parenting a child with Type-1 Diabetes and building a community of awareness.
Parenting a Child with Type-1 Diabetes
Parenting brings a certain amount of unsolicited advice. We never seem to be doing it good enough. Someone will always feel he or she has a better way, and you must hear about it. Add to that the challenge of parenting a child with type-1 diabetes, and you an extra layer of judgment coming in the form of advice.
There may be a pressure of needing to be the perfect parent. We are all human. Perfection is not an option, especially when it comes to parenting a child with Type-1 diabetes. Modern technology loves to show us the highlight reels of someone's life, a life we do not have ourselves. It's easy to feel like a failure.
Long-time podcast host, speaker, and author, Stacey Simms, shares with us how mistakes became her superpower. These lessons have been compiled into her book, The World's Worst Diabetes Mom.
Who is Stacey Simms
Author, podcaster, and parent, Stacey Simms applied her experience from a career in broadcasting to build a community of parents and experts dealing with type-1 diabetes.
Just before her son turned two-years-old in 2006, Stacey’s son was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes (T1D). As the family of four settled into their new way of life, Stacey began doing what she does best, writing about her experience. Since the beginning, her diabetes philosophy has been: not perfect, but safe and happy. That mantra was fine until someone on Facebook told her she was an awful parent.
What is Diabetes Connections?
Diabetes Connections is the T1D news show you’ve been waiting for! Long-time broadcaster, blogger, and diabetes mom Stacey Simms interviews prominent advocates, authors, and speakers. Stacey asks hard questions of healthcare companies and tech developers and brings on “everyday” people living with type 1 diabetes. Great for parents of T1D kids, adults with type 1, and anyone who loves a person with diabetes.
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