Thursday Oct 04, 2018

Putting Things in Perspective After Bypass Surgery – BtR 150

Brandon shares his experiences before, during and afterbypass surgery and how it has helped him put things in perspective. You may have noticed that shortly afterBrandon returned from his Summer hiatus that he disappeared from a few episodeswithout much mention. That is because in a matter of a couple of weeks he wentfrom experiencing some annoying shoulder pain, to visiting a doctor for a routine check, then discovering he wouldneed a stent in the near future. Things came to an accelerated conclusion when a few dayslater that pain became more focused in his chest. A trip to the emergency room escalatedinto admission for observation and ultimately bypass surgery. It was a scaryride, and at the same time we were allconfident that he was in good hands.Put Things in PerspectiveNow that Brandon is discharged from the hospital, and as ofthis week cleared by his cardiologist, we are taking some time to gain insight into Brandon’s experiences with bypass surgery.We will also explore how you can live a life in perspective of what is most important withouthaving to go through a crisis like this.If there is one thing we have learned from this ordeal isthat life is short, and it is delicate, and nothing can put it in perspective for us like a runwith death. Fortunately, Brandon knowing his family history with heart diseasecaught the symptoms early and did not wait to be seen by a physician. Many peopledie from choking despite being surrounded by friends and family by going to a private place to choke alone. Howcrazy is that to be killed by pride? Help is right in front of us, yet we don’task for it when our lives depend on it! This was no different, except Brandon soughthelp and received timely interventions before ever suffering from an actualheart attack. That is the beauty of the situation when you put it in perspective. Hedid not suffer from a heart attack; therefore, he gets all the benefits of abypass surgery without the lingering damage that comes from a heart attack. What is YourPerspective in Life?Give yourself some time to reflect after listening to thisepisode of Beyond the Rut, and consider what is your perspective in life?With your relationships, determine who is most important tohave alongside you. These are the people you have either married, maybe theyare your children or step-children or even adopted/foster children. These arealso the people who stood by your side during a crisis while others went ontheir merry way or betrayed you.There was a woman who shared with us a time she had to go tothe hospital for an appendectomy. Her husband told her that she needed to findher own ride home since he had work to do at the office. Would you say he has life in perspective? Americans are known for taking pride in working for longstretches without a vacation. We are fascinated by being busy. Many of us leaveour paid-time-off benefits on the tableor hope to cash them

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