Tuesday May 29, 2018

Regret Proof Your Life and Reduce Busy-ness with Suzy Rosenstein – BtR 132

Suzy RosensteinSuzy Rosenstein had what many would call a successful 25-year career in public health. Like many people, she felt stuck in a rut when she turned 50 years old. That mindset led to a downward spiral that ended in her career ending with a layoff.We sometimes need a sudden jolt to get us moving in a direction that blends our passion and need for income into a business and life that thrives.Regret Proof Your LifeIf you want to find the greatest concentration of untapped potential and regret, visit your nearest cemetery. There you will find many people who left potential on the table, and experiences un-lived before passing on. Suzy Rosenstein helps her clients live in a way that is regret-free. Is that not the way you'd like to live your life? Everything on the table, and nothing left to regret?That is the point about this episode, living life to the fullest. Suzy shares with us tips on how to do just that, and as an added bonus, she walks Brandon through an exercise on why he feels too busy and what it really means for him. 3:00 - On relationships and how we cannot control other people. What do we do? 4:30 - Suzy's a-ha moment related to living a regret-free life. 10:30 - What to do when you feel you are too busy to do anything well.Resources and LinksCheck out Suzy’s website and download for free “10 Surprising Ways to Bust Out of Your Midlife Funk” suzyrosenstein.com Listen to "When You're Too Busy," Episode 44 of Women in the Middle PodcastListen to “Women in the Middle: Loving Life After 50” on iTunes, Stitcher, or here on her website.Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Twitter.com/beyondtherutFacebook: Beyond the Rut

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