Tuesday May 22, 2018

Suzy Rosenstein Woman in the Middle -BtR 131

Suzy RosensteinSuzy Rosenstein had what many would call a successful 25-year career in public health. Like many people, she felt stuck in a rut when she turned 50 years old. That mindset led to a downward spiral that ended in her career ending with a layoff.We sometimes need a sudden jolt to get us moving in a direction that blends our passion and need for income into a business and life that thrives. 7:00 - Finding a career in public health for 25 years, earning a Masters Degree in Applied Social Psychology 10:00 - How our mindsets lead to our behaviors. 11:55 - The rut of being stuck in her career and what she did about it...after getting laid off. 17:25 - Clarifying where you're going while being fearful about where you're going. 19:40 - How it's the comfort zone that puts you in a rut, so here is Jerry's new business idea to help you get out of your ruts. 21:10 - The need for a wake-up call.Resources and LinksCheck out Suzy's website and download for free "10 Surprising Ways to Bust Out of Your Midlife Funk" suzyrosenstein.com Listen to "Women in the Middle: Loving Life After 50" on iTunes, Stitcher, or here on her website.Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Twitter.com/beyondtherutFacebook: Beyond the Rut

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