Tuesday Feb 07, 2017

Tasha Schaded’s Story About Launching a Business – BtR 074

On a leap of faith and armed with determination, Tasha Schaded opened LifeFit Personal Training Studio in 2016. She helps people achieve their fitness goals and live a healthy, active lifestyle.Tasha has specialized in weight management, prenatal fitness, senior fitness, sports performance and nutrition certifications. She is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) since 2008.Tasha also spent four years competing in figure and bikini competitions. She won "natural figure pro status" with the Musclemania Federation in 2016. Tasha now helps prepare other women to compete.She is happily married to an amazing, supportive husband, and is a mother of three very smart, talented children ranging from 2nd grade to college-age.LifeFit Personal Training StudioLifeFit follows the tagline, "Don't wish for it. Work for it!"The studio is a unique boutique style private training facility located on beautiful Padre Island in Corpus Christi, Texas. Tasha leads a team of highly knowledgeable personal trainers who help their clients achieve RESULTS.LinksGo to Tasha's website to schedule an appointment or connect for an interview http://lifefitpt.com

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