Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Why and How You Should Find a Mentor for Your Success – BtR 154
If you truly want to find success beyond your own ruts inlife, you need to find a mentor or two. A mentor is simply someone who has gonewhere you want to be. Benefits of Having a Mentor The best way to ever “make your own path” as we like to sayat Beyond the Rut is to learn from the journeys of those who have gone beforeyou. Benefits of having a mentor include, but are not limited to the following:Learn from your mentor’s successesLearn from your mentor’s mistakesGain insights on the keys to success you don’tfind in a textbookGain insights into your own blind spotsAccountability for what you say you want toaccomplishEncouragement from someone who knows it can bedoneHow to Find a Mentor in BusinessThe number one piece of advice we can give you when it comesto finding a mentor in business is to stick with those who have a proven trackrecord in business. It may seem like we are stating the obvious, but you don’twant to take advice about business from someone who has never run a business.You don’t want advice about writing a book from someone who has never publishedanything.Some questions to ask yourself before you seek a mentor in businessmay be like the question below.Has the person been in the SAME business for anumber of years? Beware of charlatans who move from one business to anotherevery few months.Does the person have a positive reputation, especiallywhen it comes to character?Does this person’s journey line up with my own?Am I willing to authentically open up to thisperson?Am I willing to be held accountable to my owngoals and challenges?The answer to the above should be, yes, because they will bethe best mentors for you.Go Find a Mentor!The boldest move you can make is to go find a person whowill spend time to pour into you. Be ready to give that mentoring relationshipyour all if you do, otherwise you’re wasting the time of your mentor. The person you wish to mentor you directly may not beavailable. In that case, we recommend you either find another person who ishaving success and shows similar influence of the person your originallysought. In the meantime, absorb as much content as you can applyfrom those who inspire you. The best mentors know they cannot serve everyone ina mentoring relationship. Their books, podcasts, and other forms of media aremeant to make up for that. Take advantage of that first. Doing so will allowyou to take a mentor relationship to a deeper level if you get to that boldlevel. Consider Mentoring OthersWhile this episode is about finding a mentor, allow yourselfto be found as well. Mentoring benefits the mentor as much as it does the personbeing mentored. The deeper and more authentic a mentor relationship is the morea mentor can grow as well. Mentoring is also a great way to leave your mark inthis world through influencing other people you meet.Resources and LinksListen to Brandon share about Putting Things in Perspective After BypassSurgery – BtR 150Read this article from Huffpost,9Characteristics of a Good Mentoring Relationship by Rajesh SettyRead this article f
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