Tuesday Dec 11, 2018

Your Dissatisfaction with Life Now Is Your Fuel to Build a Better Tomorrow – BtR 158

Your dissatisfaction with life right now is your fuel to build a better tomorrow. Tap into it!We often equate dissatisfaction with life as a source of depression, sadness, and hopelessness. What if you turned that dissatisfaction with life into your motivation to create satisfaction in life? How would life be different for you?Dissatisfaction with Life is Not Just About Hopelessness“Living in dissatisfaction today is the price we pay for the obligation to improve things tomorrow.” – Seth GodinSeth Godin’s article titled “Living in Dissatisfaction” is the inspiration for this week’s episode. Brandon and Jerry will discuss how whether you feel body dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with your career or you want to move your marriage satisfaction scale up a few notches, this is the episode for you.It may seem counterintuitive, but there’s truth to what Seth has to say about dissatisfaction. It may not make sense that we can find satisfaction in life by accepting what creates dissatisfaction for us. The truth is that you cannot fix a problem if you have not already admitted there is one.Check out the episode.Resources and LinksEric Giuliani took his dissatisfaction of his corporate, scripted job and began living his dream of traveling the globe without air travel. Here is his recent trip under the Golden Gate Bridge. How many people can say they’ve done that? (BtR 067)Want to find a career you’ll love that fits who you are and what you want in life? Check out Scott Barlow’s website, Happen to Your Career. (BtR 046)Maybe you want to keep your job, but need some help blooming where you’re planted. Dondi Scumaci can help there. (BtR 082)Connect with UsSubscribe on iTunes (Apple Podcasts), Stitcher, or iHeartRadio and never miss an episode.Twitter @beyondtherutFacebook Beyond the RutEmail info@beyondtherut.comGive us a call 361-596-3788

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