Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career
Do you desire to create a life worth living in your faith, family, and career? Welcome to Beyond the Rut, the podcast that offers you the motivation, inspiration, and practical tools to help you build a life worth living. Our show is here to help you break free from those limitations and find a path to success.Join us as we share encouraging stories and actionable advice on how to get out of a rut in life and create a vision for your future. We’ll discuss the importance of mindset, setting goals, and taking actionable steps towards achieving your success.Whether you’re looking for career guidance, personal development tips, or just need a boost of inspiration to get started on your journey, Beyond the Rut is the podcast for you. Join us each week as we help you discover the tools and mindset needed to create a fulfilling life and break free from the limitations holding you back.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Dustin was feeling life slip through his fingers if something didn’t change. Financial independence was the way to go so that he could live WITH his family during the years he has on this earth. He dabbled with a variety of entrepreneurial ventures, but only one would support the lifestyle he desired. That was passive income from real estate. He immediately looked at the resources he had available, conducted research on where he should make that first investment. California, where he lived at the time, was too expensive and he would not generate any income from anything he purchased. That first piece of passive income rental property was in Ohio! Ohio?! Yes, Ohio.Over the span of six years, Dustin Heiner was able to own enough passive assets to leave his job. Dustin and his wife homeschool their children and travel wherever they like. They are teaching their children about financial independence, a topic that is not taught in schools. The amount of time Dustin spends each month is less than Tim Ferriss’ The Four-Hour Work Week. Property managers and other service professionals handle the work. He keeps what is left after he has paid his team for their services.His hope is to help others realize they, too, can live the life they always dreamed of living beyond the rut. Passive income from real estate could be the vehicle to finance your dream.See the full show notes at to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
If you want to learn how to get unstuck and make the dream happen, entrepreneur Brian Dixon has a message for you: Start with Your People.How to Get UnstuckThe truth on how to get unstuck is simple. If you start with helping your people get unstuck, you will also find yourself getting unstuck.Brandon and Jerry have a conversation with entrepreneur and business coach Brian Dixon on how we repeatedly got himself unstuck in life by living that same philosophy.It’s all about helping other people and reaching them where they are. You’ll gain insights into tips and tricks to consider in your own life or business or career.See the full show notes at with UsSubscribe on iTunes (Apple Podcasts), Spotify, Stitcher, or iHeartRadio and never miss an episode.Twitter @beyondtherutFacebook Beyond the RutEmail info@beyondtherut.comMusic Attribution“Oceans Apart” is our theme song composed and performed by Scott Ian Holmes.Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Brandon and Jerry hear from podcasters fro Podcast Movement 2019 share what they do to help people get out of their ruts. What is the rut you help people get out of?People Are Stuck in a Rut? You Can Help Them.We all face a rut of some kind, and we all can use a helping hand to get out of it. That’s where you come in. You are uniquely gifted and talented to help people make their own paths towards the lives they always dreamed of living. Jerry had a chance to interview seven people at Podcast Movement 2019 about how they help people get out of their ruts. Take a listen to their stories.Go to for the full show notes and share with us how you help people get out of their ruts.Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Brandon and Jerry invite you to join them in Comfort, Texas for a 5K mud run in Texas called Thunderdash. The race will be on September 28, 2019.What is a 5K Mud Run?A 5K mud run is a five-kilometer race or event that has obstacles throughout the course. A good one will have a lot of mud obstacles to get you bogged down and feeling like you just ran through a combat zone, but without all the dying. Why? Because just running three miles for 30 to 45 minutes can be boring. In an obstacle course like these, you break that running up with a different kind of physical challenge. We’ve found these to be popular among cross-fit athletes.What to Expect at ThunderdashThe Thunderdash CourseThe main course is the 5K Obstacle Course Race. Located on a beautiful piece of land outside of Comfort this mud run in texas boasts natural mud pits, 30-foot deep rock quarries to climb in and out of and much, much more. The obstacles are man-made, nature-made, and a combination of both. Many of the obstacles will encourage team efforts for easier completion.If you’re wondering what a 5K translates to in miles, it is a little over 3.1 miles. You can do it!More Information at with UsTwitter @beyondtherutFacebook Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Traylor Lovvorn and Jerry discuss the struggles of a Christian man including sexual brokenness and how it all connects with authentic manhood.Authentic Manhood - Struggles of a Christian ManPornography and lust are part of the struggles of a Christian man. Society tells us that manly men must have sexual conquests. What we really desire is connection and permission to have an identity of authentic manhood.Christian men are not immune to divorce. We are not even immune to sexual addiction. Jerry has shared that he was exposed to pornography at the age of seven years old. While he tried to justify his porn stash to his wife, it was sending a clear message to her that she was not enough for him. This tension was bringing him to the trust that he was experiencing sexual brokenness.Fortunately, Jerry was able to find a lot of what Traylor talks about in this episode, community among Christian men, strength to be weak in front of his spouse and godly men, and exposing the secret he had been trying to keep all those years.Traylor Lovvorn - Undone RedoneTheir divorce didn’t work out. That is what Traylor Lovvorn tells people today when they ask about his marriage.Traylor was undone by his addiction to pornography. His 11-year marriage ended in sexual brokenness. The appearance of being a “perfect Christian man” fell apart all around him, and he was left only with what would bring him to authentic manhood. Six years into their divorce, reconciliation brought Tray and Mel back together and they remarried. Their platform Undone Redone now helps men search for what it means to be a godly man and how to deal with the trauma of betrayal. At the time of this episode, they have been remarried for eleven years, so 11-6-11 and counting!They have dedicated their second marriage to ministering those who face the struggles of a Christian man, and help marriages thrive through their weaknesses.Episode Timestamps3:50 What is Undone Redone?5:18 Why do men wait until a crisis hits instead of maintenance?6:30 Dealing with shame - pornography addiction, sexual brokenness10:20 Cheer up, you’re much worse off than you think! - Authentic manhood14:05 Facing the facade and having permission to feel the full range of emotions17:10 Practical tips for Christian men - community20:23 Best way to connect with Tray from Undone Redone24:28 Closing remarksRead the complete show notes here, to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Jerry shares with Brandon the top seven takeaways from Podcast Movement 2019 that will boost your business or career.An Orlando Podcast ConferenceNot being able to attend Podcast Movement 2018 was a painful moment. Jerry had desired to attend this gathering of 3000 podcasters since the first event in 2014 by founders Jared Easley and Dan Franks. It was Podcast Movement 2019 or bust for Jerry, and he made it happen. The experience was worth every penny. The networking, the sessions, and the vendor booths gave him insights on how you can boost your business or boost your career with seven simple hacks, or practices. The fact that the event was held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando made it a nicer experience. It was the icing on the cake.It was such a valuable experience that Jerry has already purchased his ticket for Podcast Movement 2020.How to Increase Business Growth and Boost Your BusinessMany of the podcasters who attended the Podcast Movement were bootstrapping their endeavors. That meant they needed to learn how to expand their business without money.Maybe you are not a business owner. These seven simple hacks are growth techniques that will also help you boost your career. 7 Simple Hacks to Boost Your Business or CareerConnect with people not numbersIdentify and really pour into your SuperfansProvide a place your tribe to communicate with you and each otherBe open to new tools that will make operations and strategy execution easierSeize the moment - but know what those moments arePush out of your comfort zones - Be a GUEST!Have milestone clarity and know the state of your industryListen to the full episode to learn about the context of each of those hacks.Resources and LinksSign up for Podcast Movement 2020, a FREE copy of Measure It to Make It and #MakeYourOwnPath to living the life you always dreamed of living. Listen to these past episodes:2 Great Reasons to Attend a Professional Conference - BtR 186How Creating Disney Magic Changed the Life of Jody Maberry - BtR 170Jody Maberry Reflects on Being a Small Business Owner in Podcasting - BtR 169Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
In the box thinking may have its purpose after all according to training and consultant Jimbo Clark.What is the Box?"Sometimes we need to be in the rut."We often hear entrepreneur innovation advice in idioms like “seize the day,” “make it happen,” and “thinking outside the box.” Well, what is this box everyone talks about?In short, the box is all things of normal convention. It is the stuff that comes with the phrase, “That is the way we always do it.” Thinking outside of the box means thinking beyond those conventions to overcome a problem, beat the competition, or create something new.There is a time and place for that level of creativity, and there isn’t. What if in the box thinking had a time and place as well? To decide this, we need to first know what defines our own box, and when it serves its purpose to our dreams, vision, and goals.In the Box ThinkingThinking outside the box is great when it comes to competing. You want to disrupt the space you’re in and gain an advantage. History books note all the ways convention was broken in order to create a win. What is often ignored are all the components of thinking inside the box that were present as well.One example of in the box thinking Jerry recalls is Operation Desert Storm in August 1990. Troops were built up along the border between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Conventional wisdom believed that the plan was to drive into occupied Kuwait to push the Iraqi army out of that country.On the eve of the ground assault, General Schwarzkopf has the entire coalition except for a small force serving as a distraction moved west and pushed into Iraq instead of Kuwait and headed off the elite Republican Guard in the open desert of Iraq who were caught off guard and annihilated. That was outside the box thinking. It was supported by a lot of in the box thinking on a micro-level. People who have served in the U.S. military know that there are certain behaviors and functions that are carried out no matter what. Some of those include general orders of guard duty, preventive maintenance and checks (PMCS,) weapons maintenance, must-do tasks the moment you pull into a camp or stopping point, and so on.Responsibilities in a Successful Marriage - Bonus ContentMany of us desire to have a family. Divorce is not in the original plan when we get married and have children. Jimbo Clark also discusses the levels of priority that have brought him and Anita happiness in their marriage as well as establish a vision in their children on what is possible for themselves.The HierarchyThis is the box that Jimbo and Anita shaped their marriage priorities listed in order of importance. Selfish is not always bad. Selfish is important as the announcement from an airline safety briefing on how you should put the oxygen mask on yourself first before putting one on your children. To Ourselves - living my own dream To Each Other - partners with each oGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Brandon and Jerry chat with Jimbo Clark about living in Asia and three crucial must-haves before leaving a job to run a lifestyle business. Leaving a Job“My soul wants to do something bigger!” - You (It was really Brandon who said it, but imagine it was you.)Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I need to quit my job, but I need the money?” Leaving a job, especially one you hate may be daunting, scary. It calls for leaping into what feels like the unknown. Sixty-eight percent of employees are disengaged from their employment with fifty-one percent doing just enough to not get fired. The other seventeen percent are truly disengaged. You know who they are. That’s your cubicle neighbor who is shopping online during a team meeting. It’s the person who comes in late, takes an extended lunch every day, and leaves early. You can get away with this behavior, but it is often the lowest producing team member. The crazy thing is they feel like they’re putting in the most effort! It’s hard to tell though with all the complaining, “I want to quit my job so badly!”Jimbo Clark shows us that leaving a job in order to pursue your dream or calling can be done. What is even more amazing is his insight that turned a soul-sucking job into a season of purpose. After just a few years of invested time, he was able to leave the J-O-B for a lifestyle business he could be proud of owning and operating.Living in Asia“The rut is there because it is known.” - Jimbo ClarkLeaving a job for a better paying job is one thing, but leaving a job to open a lifestyle business to supporting living in Asia is amazing!Jimbo has lived and worked in Asia for over two decades. He built a family and home in Taipei, Taiwan. His company, Innogreat, helps companies think both inside and outside the box.The end result for Jimbo is what one of his uncles referred to as a “working retirement.” In this case, a working retirement is not about having to work in your retirement years. It is instead about living a retirement lifestyle today. For Jimbo, that meant living in Asia at a lower cost-of-living than in the United States. It meant ultimately leaving a job he did not like. It meant being in near-perpetual vacation mode. Jimbo Clark living in Asia with his family. #LivingTheDream #MakeYourOwnPathThose 3 Crucial Must-Haves Before Leaving a JobDon’t hate us. We aren’t listing those three crucial must-haves before leaving a job in this written post. Jimbo Clark shares the Big Three that helped him launch Innogreat and leave his job.Click here to listen to the interview with Jimbo Clark.Best places to live in Asia for expatsSoutheast Asian: Where Beach Living Comes at an Affordable PriceBest Cities to Live in Asia by NomadList.comThe 7 Cheapest Cities in Asia for Nomads by Nomad Research Team15 Best Cities to Live in Asia by Lerato of My Life in a Bag Best countries in Asia for expats to workThe 10 Best CountrieGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Brandon and Jerry discuss plans for attending Podcast Movement 2019 and two great reasons why you should attend a professional conference.Podcast Movement 2019Podcast Movement is a conference founded by Jared Easley and Dan Franks in 2014 to bring together thousands of podcasters and share about their craft. The event is designed for those who have been involved in podcasting since the first iPod as well as those who are just getting started.Some attend to learn more about the technical aspects of creating a podcast. Others come for marketing tips and tricks, and others are on the lookout for ideas to improve the formats of their shows.Networking and collaboration are other reasons why people come every year.Reasons to Attend a Professional ConferenceWhile you may not be planning to attend Podcast Movement yourself...ever, you may be asking yourself, “Why go to a conference at all?”There are two great reasons why you need to attend a professional conference even if your employer does not pay for it.First, you are investing in your own future. Your career or business will gain new ideas, skills, and knowledge from attending a professional conference. This week’s episode of Beyond the Rut discusses the desired focus Jerry has going into this year’s podcasting conference.The second reason is that you can network with other like-minded professionals. Success does not happen in a vacuum, and you should not try to go it alone.By attending a professional conference, you may come across an accountability partner like Jerry did while attending the 2018 Association for Talent Development Conference. Many people who attend Podcast Movement find themselves working on collaboration projects where efforts synergize and results are multiplied.We hope to inspire you with justification for attending a conference. Here are some suggestions to help you articulate the benefits of going to an event of your choice. You can gain skills to improve current programs, products, or services. There may be content offered that will help with a strategic initiative. You may learn what the state of the industry is and what the competition is doing. Vendors are often present to showcase how their tools are disrupting your field.5 Tips on How to Network at a Conference - BONUS CONTENTSince one of the benefits of attending a professional conference is the opportunity to network, here are five tips to help you do it in a way that prevents you from being a schmuck about it. Dress professionally. While others are dressing down and relaxing, you still want to represent your brand. Introduce yourself with laser speak. Be able to clearly identify who you are and what you do in two sentences. Be present. Don’t be the schmooze who shakes a hand, judges someone isn’t valuable to you, then move on to someone else. Also, don’t be that guy who is checking your phone while someone else is talking to you. When you’re present, you represent your brand well by showing how respectful you are. Take notes of who you meet. You’ll receive lots of businGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Brandon and Jerry discuss the keto diet Jerry’s been on as well as the importance of rest and measuring your goals.The Importance of Getting RestRest plays a major role in our performance whether at home or at work. The Bible talks about working for six days then resting on the seventh. It even talks about vacations and sabbaticals, sorta. Don’t believe us? It’s in Leviticus 25, the Sabbath Year. Before you run off to tell your boss and your family you’re taking an entire year off from work, take a listen to this episode. Think about the ways you can build rest into your week. Where can you slow down, even minimize your activities to spend more time doing what matters most and with who matters most?Tweet This! Pin It! "Jerry's Sci-Fi Keto Diet, the Importance of Rest, and Goal Management."The Keto DietJerry started the ketogenic diet in March of 2019. This came after watching the documentary “The Magic Pill” on Netflix. All the education he had about carbohydrates, especially sugar, made sense.Since starting the keto diet, Jerry has experienced a drop in 30 pounds. He’s had to buy new, smaller pants just a couple months into the diet! Most noticeable has been his boost in energy.Listen to this episode as Jerry describes what the keto diet looks like for him.Measure It to Make It - Success with Goals One of the keys for success with the keto diet for Jerry has been measuring his progress with the foods he eats. It also helps him know when he is off-target and needs to make different choices with the next meal. You can also find success in measuring your progress with your goals.Resources and LinksYouTube Channels and VideosWatch Dr. Eric Berg describe the science behind the ketogenic diet. He is a chiropractor by trade and has been teaching nutrition to medical students for years.Dr. Annette Bosworth prescribes the keto diet to her cancer patients and shares education on her channel about the ins and outs of the diet as well as the successes she has seen with her own patients.Thomas DeLauer will geek out as he shares with you the science behind the ketogenic diet. Jerry’s Note: I mainly watch Thomas and pretend I can fit into tight shirts, but that isn’t true. Not yet, anyway.Dr. Ken Berry has been prescribing the ketogenic diet to his patients for years and seen results. I like watching him for the practical tips, and down to earth explanations.There is a documentary on Netflix titled “The Magic Pill,” which is worth watching.Research Articles"Implementing a Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet to Manage Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus," Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism. Read the abstract here."Prolonged Meat Diets with a Study of Kidney Function and Ketosis," from Journal of Biological Chemistry ( Read the full article here."Metabolic Characteristics of Keto-Adapted Ultra-Endurance Runners," Metabolism. Read the abstract here."Effectiveness and SafeGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show