Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Do you desire to create a life worth living in your faith, family, and career? Welcome to Beyond the Rut, the podcast that offers you the motivation, inspiration, and practical tools to help you build a life worth living. Our show is here to help you break free from those limitations and find a path to success.Join us as we share encouraging stories and actionable advice on how to get out of a rut in life and create a vision for your future. We’ll discuss the importance of mindset, setting goals, and taking actionable steps towards achieving your success.Whether you’re looking for career guidance, personal development tips, or just need a boost of inspiration to get started on your journey, Beyond the Rut is the podcast for you. Join us each week as we help you discover the tools and mindset needed to create a fulfilling life and break free from the limitations holding you back.

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Tuesday Apr 10, 2018

Kary OberbrunnerKary Oberbrunner is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they're here, and where they're going so they can become a Soul on Fire, experience unhackability and share their message with the world.That is the value proposition statement of a man on fire for helping people make their own path and live the life they've always dreamed of beyond the rut.In the span of two years, Kary left a good job where he felt only 80% alive to pursue a business that brought him 100% fulfillment. You'll be a little confused when you hear his story because the job he left was a full-time pastor position with a church. That is a job many people would think brings fulfillment if money were not a factor. Being in business is not about the money either. It's about helping others in a way he couldn't as a pastor doing things that multiply the impact he has.After you listen to this episode of Beyond the Rut, we ask that you show Kary the love and read his blog, listen to his podcast, and seek out his advice.In This Episode Guilty pleasure movies of the 1980's What made Kary switch from being a pastor to full-time business platforms for publishing and coaching authors How Kary turned a side hustle into a full-time business in just two years How clarity comes with taking action, and clarity attracts What is a value proposition statement, and why it is important for you to have one wherever you work Why you should create a one-sheet marketing plan for your business Proof-of-sale is the best confidence boost and how your credentials are your results How to create a paid coaching program with no gimmicks, just genuinely helping others Neuroplasticity, Elixir Project, stretching out of your comfort zonesResources and LinksKaryOberbrunner.comElixir Project by Kary Oberbrunner - buy it on AmazonDay Job to Dream Job also by Kary Oberbrunner - buy it on AmazonIgniting Souls Podcast - Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or SpotifyFollow Kary on Twitter and FacebookSteve Job's Commencement Speech at Stanford University in 2005 - Watch it on YouTubeA Simple Life is a Bigger Life with Sara McDaniel - BtR 025Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Apr 03, 2018

In a Rut at Work?Do you feel like you are in a rut at work? Maybe you catch yourself hitting that snooze button on your alarm eight times too many every morning. Many of our episodes have been about people who left their jobs to start a business. That does not have to be the case for everyone. You may like the corporate environment. It's just time to re-energize yourself and your career.Brandon and Jerry came across an article written by Christina Wilson of a blog titled The Charlotte Agenda. Wilson interviews executive recruiter from Lowe's, Courtney Rhodes regarding tips to re-energize yourself at work.You can regain your footing and create results again that get you noticed with just a few simple tips to boost your energy and mindset at work.Read the Article That Inspired This EpisodeWhile we'd love to re-write this article and try to pass it as our own, that simply is not the right thing to do.Click here to read the original article written by Christina Wilson based on an interview with Courtney Rhodes.Resources and LinksListen to our interview with Scott Barlow from Happen to Your Career podcast.Dondi Scumaci talks about Energizing Your Way Out of a Job Jail Rut.Lee Cockerell, retired Walt Disney World executive, discusses ways to advance your career.Level Up Your Career or Business, BtR 070.Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018

Sean McCoySean McCoy is a U.S. Navy veteran, Christian, podcast host, and entrepreneur. Well, he's a lot more than that, but this is what we are covering in this episode. We'll discuss the drive behind The Come to the Table Podcast and his challenge to Christians to get beyond the rut of judging others and seeking instead to connect and understand those who are on the fringes of society. We will also talk about how he started the business Charity Corps. Sean lives in Sugarland, Texas with his family, and hopes to impact the world one connection at a time.The Come to the Table PodcastThe Come to the Table Podcast is hosted by Sean McCoy. The show's aim is to demonstrate that love is action is listening to understanding and not react. Many Christians today are known for their judgments on marginalized groups. The very message of the Gospel is one of reaching out to those in need and showing them the love of God through Jesus Christ. Each episode discusses topics like atheism, homosexuality, eating disorders, and more.Charity CorpsCharity Corps draws inspiration from the U.S. Marine Corps on teamwork. The company connects Houston-area consumers with their favorite businesses to partner and give to the consumer's favorite non-profit organizations and charities. Listen to see how your purchases can mean a small donation to the cause of your choice. Learn more at and LinksListen to The Come to the Table Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or YouTubeEmail Sean at sean@thecometothetablepodcast.comJoin his Facebook Group or Follow him on Instagram.Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the Rut Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Mar 20, 2018

Trevor SpencerTrevor Spencer was living the dream. The only problem was that he was living in a physical rut as a desk potato. Lots of work at a desk with very little movement beyond mouse clicks and keyboard strokes.We often say on Beyond the Rut that you already have what you need to pursue a better life, and Trevor was no different. He is married to a marathon runner, Angie Spencer. She gladly put together a running plan for Trevor. He put in the work, because there's just no substitute for doing the work, and has now completed 14 marathons and 15 half-marathons at the time of this recording.Marathon Training AcademyTrevor Spencer and his wife Angie run a website and host a podcast called Marathon Training Academy where they coach members to safely and enjoyably run their own marathons.Experiencing a transformation in his life and health through running, Trevor is passionate about sharing his message with new runners. He created the MTA tagline, “You have what it takes to run a marathon and change your life!The Marathon Training Academy Podcast began in 2010. The show inspires everyday people to live healthier lives. Listeners achieve fitness goals by unleashing their marathon potential. The show features actionable training wisdom delivered in a funny and relatable style. The podcast is downloaded over 100,000 times per month by listeners around the world and is a hand-selected iTunes Essentials running podcast.Resources and LinksVisit Trevor Spencer's website, MarathonTrainingAcademy.comSubscribe to the Marathon Training Academy Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.Listen to the episode Jerry mentions in this episode where Trevor and Angie interview Sean Astin. Yes, the guy from "Goonies"!Connect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Mar 13, 2018

Melissa MonteWe are wrapping up our conversation with Melissa Monte from Episode 121.Melissa Monte is one of today’s influential and thought-provoking explorers of the mindset and positive energy. She’s known for her ability to educe and explain complex ideas with humor and clarity, in a way that deeply connects with a wide audience.She was a victim of sexual assault, twice! She suffered the loss of a close friend by suicide, struggled with bulimia, lost a parent to lymphoma and even spent time in jail because of an ex-boyfriend.You wouldn’t think any of that when you speak with her, because of how much positive energy she exudes. Today, Melissa hosts Mind Love podcast. Mind Love is a show about creating a positive mindset to pursue the life that will make you happy and fulfilled.In This Episode Hitting setbacks when your past wants to haunt you - New Zealand trip Importance of positive routines Identify and replace your limiting beliefs A physical tips on getting out of your tunnel vision and anxiety Know what your core pillars are in your beliefs, stand for themResources and LinksVisit Melissa’s website MindLove.comListen to Mind Love Podcast on iTunes, StitcherRead The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel RuizThe Power by Rhonda ByrneConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018

Melissa MonteMelissa Monte is one of today’s influential and thought-provoking explorers of the mindset and positive energy. She’s known for her ability to educe and explain complex ideas with humor and clarity, in a way that deeply connects with a wide audience.She was a victim of sexual assault, twice! She suffered the loss of a close friend by suicide, struggled with bulimia, lost a parent to lymphoma and even spent time in jail because of an ex-boyfriend.You wouldn't think any of that when you speak with her, because of how much positive energy she exudes. Today, Melissa hosts Mind Love podcast. Mind Love is a show about creating a positive mindset to pursue the life that will make you happy and fulfilled.In This Episode Did Jim Carrey really break Melissa's toe? Discovering the common denominators, principles, for living How energy is something that you cultivate We are constantly changing either towards the life we want or the life others decide for us Who have you surrounded yourself with?Resources and LinksVisit Melissa's website MindLove.comListen to Mind Love Podcast on iTunes, StitcherRead The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel RuizThe Power by Rhonda ByrneConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018

A Case for Peaceful LivingLaura Lange lived in a big city or a suburb of one her entire life. With that came feelings of stress and even despair until she moved to a small rural community in the mountains of California five years ago. Talk about a change! Driven by a desire to get away from urban sprawl, she found herself living in and among nature.Her podcast called The Peaceful Life shares how the small community, people, nature, and living simply has brought incredible peace and joy to Laura's life.You don't have to move to a small community outside of Yosemite National Park to find peaceful living for yourself. We'll discuss the following in this episode: The point she decided to move away from the stress of urban living How Laura planned to make the move The resistance she met from loved ones when she made the move The benefits of peaceful living she has found in the last five years How you can apply some strategies for simplification to create a sanctuary in your own homeResources and LinksCheck out Laura's website, ThePeaceful.LifeBuy a copy of Clutter Busting: Letting Go of What's Holding You Back by Brooks PalmerConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018

About Megan VowlerMegan Vowler is a mom blogger who shares her life story and adventures. In July 2016, she and her husband, Mitch, received shocking news during Megan's pregnancy from a routine genetic screening. The results showed there was a high risk for Trisomy 21, Down syndrome.Listen to this episode as Megan Vowler shares her story of how they handled their surprising news and the blessing it has been to raise a child with Down Syndrome. In fact, you'll discover why Megan says having a child with Down Syndrome was "the best gift you never wished for."Megan is a first-time mom, Texas-transplanted to Pennsylvania, foodie, Aggie, traveler, football-enthusiast, and sometimes-worker-outer. Her life's mantra is simply, "You just really don't know what's going to happen [in life]" so make the most of what you have.Topics Discussed How did Megan react to the results of her Non-invasive Prenatal Test? How did Megan find and draw support from a community? The challenge of staying open to that supportive community, and responding to the few "negative Nancys" Having a vision for her daughter's life beyond the hurdles of Down Syndrome. Working with what you have been given in life. What has been the most impactful interaction since sharing her story?Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)NIPTs are blood tests that take a look at the placental DNA that is in the mother's bloodstream during pregnancy. This is the screening that Megan Vowler had, which prepared her for having a child with Down Syndrome. It is non-invasive to the child in the womb, and you can learn more by clicking this link.Resources and LinksVisit Megan Vowler's blog, The Path We Travel.National Down Syndrome Society, from Nemours - Down Syndrome, Association for Down Syndrome, www.nads.orgConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the RutGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Feb 13, 2018

Sean DouglasSean Douglas is a U.S. Air Force Veteran, Master Resilience Implementer, TEDx Speaker,International Radio Show Host, Performance Enhancement Expert, and Author. He inspiresand motivates you to “Live Your Brand” so you can grow personally and professionally.Millennials to 50-year-old professionals hire Sean to learn life transformation skills that elevate them to new heights in their personal and professional lives in a highly interactive and engaging environment, utilizing online coaching sessions and face to face workshops. Sean equips people with the tools necessary to live EPIC lives, and leaves people better equipped to manage change effectively. His WHY is he's a suicide survivor and shares his powerfultestimony globally.Connect with SeanSean's Website, TheSuccessCorps.comListen to Life Transformation Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, or Blog Talk Radio.Buy Sean Douglas's book, Decisions: The Power to Overcome Self-Defeating BehaviorsWatch the TEDx Talk by Sean about resilience.Facebook: with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the Rut Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Feb 06, 2018

PresenceWhat if the phrase "mind over matter" was wrong? Instead, your mind was influenced by your body? That is what Brandon and Jerry discuss in episode 117 of Beyond the Rut Podcast.What are power poses and how do they influence your feeling of confidence by changes in brain chemistry?There's a science to getting out of your rut of low self-esteem, and Amy Cuddy may have found the answer.Resources and LinksBeyond the Rut Episode 75, Lisa Reynolds on Leading Through RelationshipsBuy your copy from Amazon, Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy CuddyConnect with UsEmail: info@beyondtherut.comVoicemail: 361-596-3788Twitter: Beyond the Rut Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

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