Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career
Do you desire to create a life worth living in your faith, family, and career? Welcome to Beyond the Rut, the podcast that offers you the motivation, inspiration, and practical tools to help you build a life worth living. Our show is here to help you break free from those limitations and find a path to success.Join us as we share encouraging stories and actionable advice on how to get out of a rut in life and create a vision for your future. We’ll discuss the importance of mindset, setting goals, and taking actionable steps towards achieving your success.Whether you’re looking for career guidance, personal development tips, or just need a boost of inspiration to get started on your journey, Beyond the Rut is the podcast for you. Join us each week as we help you discover the tools and mindset needed to create a fulfilling life and break free from the limitations holding you back.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Jason Gomez was just 28-years old when his doctor told him he needed a pacemaker to live. Many would consider this to be a life sentence or prison in itself. What can you really do in life if you can get zapped at any moment, right?Rather than be dictated by his condition, Jason decided to set the conditions for his life for a change. Rather than be ruled by his pacemaker, he became the pacemaker.Listen as Jason shares his story of getting hit with that devastating news in his 20s to how he is living a healthier, happier life today.Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Nitin Chhoda - An IntroductionNitin Chhoda is an immigrant who arrived in the US penniless in 2002, in a post 9-11 world. His early years were spent delivering pizza, sleeping in his car, and having little money for winter clothes. Nitin was always a hustler. He became a licensed physical therapist, entrepreneur, author and public speaker by 2007 and now owns several multi-million dollar companies with 30+ employees worldwide.He is the author of "Total Activation: The 5 Step Fitness Mantra". It is a dynamic new approach to weight loss and personal wellness. It is a system modeled in three stages of change: Identity, Compare, Integrate (ICI) which has 5 components: Emotional, Physical, Social, Spiritual and Intellectual (EPSSI).In connection, Nitin has created a skincare and nutrition product line that work in synergy to activate the best version of you ( Total Activation is a company that has bootstrapped the entire way. They now happily provide nutrition and skincare products to customers in 7 countries.As a licensed physical therapist, Nitin is also a co-owner of an industry-leading electronic medical records software, In Touch EMR (, which offers scheduling, clinical documentation, billing, practice management and referral generation modules for physical therapists.From being a penniless immigrant to a licensed physical therapist who earns his millions mainly through entrepreneurship in just 15 years, Nitin has shown resilience and hard work actually pays off.ResourcesLet the folks know at Total Activation you heard about them from Beyond the Rut and Nitin will provide you with a discount to their product lines.Book - Total Activation: The New 5 Step Fitness Mantra (Kindle)DVD -Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Contentment may seem counter to episode 93 about living in dissatisfaction to live a life beyond the rut.Many religions and self-help books talk about living a life in contentment to find happiness.Brandon and Jerry discuss the finer points on how you can use dissatisfaction to fuel your passion for your dream and balance it out with a healthy dose of contentment.Resources and LinksBtR 093 - Live in Dissatisfaction to Live Beyond the RutBtR 091 - Discarding the Myth of the Starving Artist with Jeff GoinsBtR 087 - Doug Wilks: How to Focus on Your Strengths So Everything Falls into PlaceGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Seth Godin is a marketing expert with a blog that is easy to read. In many ways, he is like the Mozart of words, simple to read, hard to master in life."Living in Dissatisfaction" is the inspiration of this week's episode. Brandon and Jerry will discuss how Seth's idea around living in dissatisfaction can lead you to living a life Beyond the Rut.It may seem counterintuitive, but there's truth to what Seth has to say about dissatisfaction. Check out the episode.Resources and LinksEric Giuliani took his dissatisfaction of his corporate, scripted job and began living his dream of traveling the globe without air travel. Here is his recent trip under the Golden Gate Bridge. How many people can say they've done that? (BtR 067)Want to find a career you'll love that fits who you are and what you want in life? Check out Scott Barlow's website, Happen to Your Career. (BtR 046)Maybe you want to keep your job, but need some help blooming where you're planted. Dondi Scumaci can help there. (BtR 082)We Want to Hear from YouGive us a call 361-596-3788.Send us an email info@beyondtherut.comGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Brandon and Jerry have a fireside chat about their Goliad State Park trip. The trip was intended as a shakedown camping and hiking experience to try out their gear and acclimate to warm Texas weather...without air conditioning.Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Jeff Goins is the author of five books including his bestseller The Art of Work.We brought Jeff onto the show to talk about his newest book titled Real Artists Don't Starve. His newest book talks about how you can be a thriving artist rather than a starving artist.If you have been to Jeff's blog,, you know that Jeff helps people find answers to burning questions such as the following: How do creative professionals make a living? What does it really take to get published? How do you pursue a passion without burning yourself out?In this episode, Jeff Goins also shares what got him started as a writer, and what he believes are some of the secrets to finding your success.More Resources and LinksThe Portfolio Life - Jeff Goins' podcast about how your life can be a portfolio of a variety of works using your - You've listened to this episode, read the book, but need more teaching and coaching? Sign up for Tribe Writers.Interview with Benjamin Hardy, a graduate of Tribe Writers and guest of Beyond the Rut.Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Brandon, Jerry, and friend Steve are doing a day hike to prepare for an upcoming camping trip to Goliad State Park.The camping trip is a shakedown cruise before a bigger backpacking trip.Every dream can be achieved, and it helps to start with smaller milestones and steps. Go for it.Hammock Camping YouTube ChannelsFor Texas Locations SpecificallyKenneth Kramm does a lot of camping in the East Texas area.Spiguyver Backpacking shares a lot of great tips for hammock camping in both warm and cold weather.The State Parkers, a married couple named Parker who tour Texas State Parks as novices. Love it. Their videos are great for the trip reports they provide on the parks we plan to visit.Just Hammock Camping and EntertainingI found that Shug Emery is the most referenced hammock camper and his channel is funny to me. Shug is such a clown!Trevor Rasmussen became famous for a mountain lion encounter. His videos are also funny.Podcasts About BackpackingThe First 40 Miles, thefirst40miles.comHang Your Own Hang, hyohpodcast.comEpisode 89, Jerry's insights from a solo hiking trip.Resources on Pug FarmingAtom the Pug driving a tractor Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday May 23, 2017
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Jerry recently took a solo trip to Choke Canyon State Park in Texas. A similarly planned trip had fallen through and he was determined to test his mettle on the trail, a trail, any trail.Choke Canyon State Park is not a large park. Most people come for fishing or boating. The park does not have a single trail that is more than 3/4 of a mile. Jerry stitched them all together and created his own five or six mile loop, then hiked it twice.Where there is a will there is a way. The trip was about testing out some new equipment, applying new skills, and having fun in the process. When the chance for a camping trip with the guys fell through, he found a way to create a solo hiking experience.Pursuing your dreams in some ways is like solo hiking. This episode stitches together some of the video he shot while on his trip. While solo hiking, he ponders on lessons learned regarding pursuing your dreams. There will be a lot of resistence to what you want to accomplish. It is ultimately up to you to make the decision to move forward, have faith in your abilities, and enjoy the journey.People will notice your success when you come back. They'll notice the change and want to be a part of it. Others will continue to be the naysayer and the doubter. Jerry shares what you should do about those who continue to tell you want you can't do."Don't let somebody telling you how you can't do your dream be why you don't pursue your dream. Just do it!"Links and ResourcesBtR 067 - Eric Giuliani is Traveling Tall and Living His DreamEmail Us! Info@BeyondTheRut.comCall and Leave a Voicemail 361-596-3788Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
ThunderdashThunderdash is a 5K mud run. It's the race Brandon and I ran in September 2016.Sloshing through mud pits and over 20 obstacles including a 40-foot tire wall in an active quarry is as exciting as it sounds.We are inviting you to join us as we interview the founders of the race, Kevin and Laura Tift.The Tifts' StoryKevin and Laura are going to share with us the following: How they made Thunderdash profitable in two years How they leverage land and people resources to bring a highly organized, fun-filled event year-after-year How they face the challenges of running a business, especially around insurance How Thunderdash is funding their retirement and dream vacations How they created a side business of helping other organize their own 5K racesWhile organizing a race may not be in your dreamlist, you can learn a lot about their story for your own dream.Links and ResourcesIt's So Spicy! How Not to Carb Load Before a Race BtR 056Brandon is Training for a Triathlon BtR 059Join us on the 9am wave of the Thunderdash 5K. Team name is "The Rutters". Click on "Team" button, then register as a "Teammate".Check out the race info for Thunderdash at UsEmail - info@beyondtherut.comLeave a voicemail by calling 361-596-3788 Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Doug Wilks is a strengths coach. While that may sound like someone you'd find at a fitness center near you, it's not.You may have heard of Clifton's StrengthsFinder, and that is more along the lines of what we are discussing in this episode.Learn more about what Doug does at his website, people work on their weaknesses to improve their situation at work. Doug coaches people how focusing on strengths is a better approach.Listen as Brandon, Jerry and Doug discuss how we should hone in on our talents so they become strengths. Doug also shares how the focus on our strengths leads us to a place where everything else falls into place.Other LinksEmail Doug Wilks at hello@strengthslauncher.comFollow Doug on Twitter @wilksdougGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show