Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career
Do you desire to create a life worth living in your faith, family, and career? Welcome to Beyond the Rut, the podcast that offers you the motivation, inspiration, and practical tools to help you build a life worth living. Our show is here to help you break free from those limitations and find a path to success.Join us as we share encouraging stories and actionable advice on how to get out of a rut in life and create a vision for your future. We’ll discuss the importance of mindset, setting goals, and taking actionable steps towards achieving your success.Whether you’re looking for career guidance, personal development tips, or just need a boost of inspiration to get started on your journey, Beyond the Rut is the podcast for you. Join us each week as we help you discover the tools and mindset needed to create a fulfilling life and break free from the limitations holding you back.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
We had a few requests on how to find episode 25 of Beyond the Rut, the first interview we did with Sara McDaniel from's make it easier for everyone and share that episode again. Here you go by popular demand!Listen in as Sara shares with us her first trip to Guatemala on a Wrecked mission trip with Jeff Goins' group. She also shares with us the how and why behind her blog, Simply, and why she is pursuing a life of simplicity.ResourcesShow notes from the original episode BtR 025Recent interview with Sara McDaniel, BtR 064Sara's newest blog SimplySouthernCottage.comWhat I Learned from Not Purchasing Clothes for One Year by Sara McDanielGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Ty FosterTy Foster is the Founder and Principal of Navigate to Greatness LLC, A leadership development organization that teaches athletes, business owners and professionals how to navigate large-scale life goals.Ty's articulate & pointed teaching style combined with love for people is certain to captivate and transform his audience to do great things before leaving the room.Ty Foster became a Gold Star child at age 5 on May 17, 1987 when his father’s ship, the USS Stark, was fired upon by an Iraqi fighter jet, killing 37 US sailors on board. His father, Vernon Tyrone Foster, was one of the 37. Without his father, Ty’s journey to manhood was marked with the stress and dysfunction that led to confusion and aimlessness.Pivotal to Ty’s transformational message is the principle he calls The Change Cycle: the idea that any difficult experience at any moment can generate multiple options to overcome the difficulty.Resources and LinksBuy Ty's book - Navigate to Greatness: Getting What You Need to Get to Go Where You Need to GoBook - My Orange Duffle Bag: A Journey to Radical Change by Sam BrackenTy's Website, TyroneFoster.comFacebookTwitterGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Sara McDaniel returns to share her fifth Guatemala trip, talk about her Southern cottage renovation project, and her first 5k race.Resources and LinksBtR 025 - A Simple Life is a Bigger LifeSimplySara.comSimplySouthernCottage.comMy Journey from Couch to 5k - Sara McDanielNeighbor's TableGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
We launched the first episode of Beyond the Rut podcast on August 22, 2015. A lot has changed since.We have recorded 64 episodes in the last sixteen months. 24 of our episodes included interviews of 21 interesting people who shared their unique stories on how they are #livingthedream beyond the rut. Beyond the RutBeyond the Rut averages 80 unique downloads each week. That may not seem like a lot compared to other shows, but it has meant the world to us.That means each week 80 people invite us into their homes, their daily commute, into their very lives to share our insights and the wisdom of others to make a difference in your life.We're Thankful for You!You have shared with us feedback on how thankful you have been for our show.We are thankful for guys like Shawn Albright who shares feedback with us on a regular basis.Hans who lets us know how our show inspires him each week. He has a cool voice so we're trying to get him onto an episode soon.Jamie who inspires us by living out the very advice Brandon gave her. She started her own t-shirt business called Inspire T-Shirts and More. Now, she's kicking us in the rear to get out of our own comfort zones.We're also thankful for Stephanie, the pregnant runner who smoked us at Thunderdash this Fall. She recently challenged us to run in the 2017 Run Amuck Mud Run 5K in Corpus Christi. (Sign up for the 9am Wave, and we'll see you there. We're making it a Rutter Meetup. Email us that you're going with your t-shirt size, Want to Hear Your Beyond the Rut StoryWhen was your moment when you had enough and decided to take action to live life beyond the rut?Leave a voicemail, share your story at 361-596-3788, or click the "Ask a Question for the Show" button at the top of the page. Send us an email, comment below, message us on Facebook, or Tweet it 140 characters at a time!Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Before you burn out, listen to this episode!The Rut of Compassion FatigueIt may have been your dream to be a nurse, a physician, a mental health professional, or even a police officer. You expose yourself to the trauma of others when you work in a caring profession.Your mind fails to distinguish between what is happening to others and what is happening to you.The trauma of others eventually becomes your trauma. That is one of the drawbacks of having empathy towards others.Compassion fatigue wears us down over time. It creeps in, and we may not realize it is happening to us. Vicariously experiencing trauma changes our minds, our outlook on life, and it may even sabotage our health.Amy Cunningham shares with us her experiences and knowledge of compassion fatigue. We will learn how it appears, and how to build the five resiliencies within us every day.Amy Cunningham BioAmy is a certified Compassion Fatigue Educator through Green Cross Traumatology. She has traveled throughout the nation advocating a balance between work and life through proven techniques for self-care.Amy has developed and implemented several assistance programs for organizations to enhance the care of their employees. Her recent TEDx San Antonio Talk, “Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma”, has raised awareness of compassion fatigue and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).Her 18-year journey working with nonprofits and mental health organizations includes work in assisting adolescents overcome trauma, and redefine their lives.Cunningham currently serves as a leadership consultant for CHRISTUS Health facilitating training on effective communication. She has also taught hundreds of leaders within CHRISTUS Health about the importance of self-care and addressing compassion fatigue.ResourcesTEDx San Antonio Talk, “Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma”Amy Cunningham bio on TEDx San Antonio pageGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Podcast Answerman Cliff Ravenscraft has advised podcasters for years audio quality is important for listeners. Poor audio quality can be a deal killer unless the content is absolutely a don't-miss.Musician and entrepreneur, Chris Mann, decided to apply his skills in digitally mastering music audio to the medium of podcasting. We had the pleasure to be at the beginning stages of Chris's endeavor. He edited episode 39 for us where we interviewed Marcia Upson from NaturallySlim.He's also done the edit and mastering for this episode.Success Comes from LeveragingThis episode was one of those experiences where Jerry did not have to do much. Having someone master the audio quality and trim the show down to its meat meant that all that needed to be done was to listen to the show for the show notes.A process that normally takes about four hours was cut in half!If time is money and your podcast is meant to bring traffic and leads to your products or courses, then you will want to listen to what Chris has to say about Podshaper and leverage his service for your show.You can spend your time focused on what you do best while he takes care of the audio quality for your show.But Wait! There's More!Chris has upgraded the services offered by Podshaper since the recording of this episode. You'll need to check out the variety of services that have expanded into intros, outros, promotional clips, and writing copy for your show notes!"Make your boss's job better." - Brandon, go check out the website and connect with Chris for your own podcasting project. Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
We scored an interview with Danny Bollinger, Manager of Publishing for the Dallas Mavericks.He's the guy behind the promotional photography and writing for the team.If it's a calendar, program, video snippet or article for the Mavs, chances are Danny has had his hands and creativity in it for the past 17 years.Leap of faith, is the best way I can describe how Danny Bollinger lives his life beyond the rut. He just seems to go for it.His strong work ethic has carried him through time and again. Listen as he shares his insights from his first job at 12 years old to his first corporate job with Frito-Lay.There is value to sticking to the process, putting in your time, and having perseverance. Danny's story is inspirational, funny, and encouraging.Danny BollingerHe's a writer first with a passion for collage and photography.Originally from a small town in Iowa, Danny took a leap of faith and moved to Dallas, Texas to live a bigger life. He struggled financially for years taking on work where he could find it, and eventually his photos and work ethic caught the attention of Mark Cuban.Danny Bollinger has worked for Mark Cuban, billionaire and owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, for 21 years. He's been a part of the Dallas Mavericks ever since Cuban purchased the team photographing and writing about the team as it transformed into a winning franchise in the NBA.Danny sees himself as the “little people” despite knowing some of the richest people in the world.It's clear that Danny Bollinger makes the most of every moment. He talks to whoever is in front of him. That was no different in our conversation with him in this recording session.Resources and LinksYou can see his works at or on Instagram at @dannyb_gps.Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
It Works!Brandon didn't feel healthy. He was over weight, then he decided to do something about it.Since the start of 2016, Brandon has lost over 30 lbs and he is keeping it off.Whatever he is doing, it works!You may have heard about his journey in recent episodes.We are diving deeper into his eating habits, his workouts, and what nutrition supplements have helped him.DisclaimersDisclaimer #1 - Brandon is a distributor for It Works!® He makes money by selling their products.Disclaimer #2 - Jerry is not a distributor of It Works!® and has no plans to become one either.Disclaimer #3 - Brandon resisted talking about this product line for fear that it would come off as an infomercial. It was Jerry's idea to share how it's one part of his overall journey to a healthy lifestyle.Disclaimer #4 - Neither Brandon nor Jerry are fitness experts. You should definitely consult your physician and actually fitness experts before taking on any fitness program, especially one that involves weight loss.ResourcesBrandon's page. Check out It Works®. BrandonCunningham.comEat What You Want and Lose Weight the NaturallySlim Way - BtR 049The Thunderdash episode - BtR 056The triathlon training episode - BtR 059Use Your Smartphone to Lose Weight by Jerry DuganGo to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Share Your StoryWe want to hear from you. Share your Beyond the Rut story in any of the following ways: Call in and leave a voicemail at 361-598-3788 Create an mp3 message by clicking the "Ask a Question for the Show" button at the top of our website Email us and we'll read the story for you at Message us on Facebook, Twitter, or Comment below in our show notesBrandon is Training for a Triathlon?!Brandon and Jerry discuss Brandon's upcoming triathlon, his first ever. The race starts with a 400-yard swim, followed by a 14-mile bicycle ride, and finished with a 5K run.How is he training? Why is he doing it? What's in it for you?This episode is not so much about encouraging you to run a triathlon yourself, so don't panic. It is, however, an episode about inspiring and equipping you to make your own path and live the life you've always dreamed of.Recently, Brandon has been slimming down, improving his diet, and increasing his daily exercise regimen. Weird, right? Both Brandon and Jerry ran in a 5K mud run called Thunderdash. While Jerry hung up his participation medal with pride, Brandon saw an opportunity to push himself a little further. Maybe a lot further.He's racing in a triathlon at the end of October!Here's the thing. Brandon doesn't even own a bicycle. Listen to him share his story of bootstrapping for a race, training daily, and putting it all together. The end result has been more energy, more confidence, and more of living the dream.ResourcesCouch to 5K App,'s So Spicy! How Not to Carb Load for a Race - BtR 056Race with Brandon - Sign up for the 4th Annual Boo Bash Triathlon in Portland, TXJoin Jerry and his son Jacob on the Insane Inflatable 5K in Corpus Christi on December 17, 2016Corpus Christi Harbor Half Marathon - Brandon's goal is to run in the 10K November 2016How to Start a Daily Running Habit by Darius ForouxUse Your Smartphone to Lose Weight by Jerry DuganPre-race. Putting bike in place. Pre-race. Swim prep.Starting the race with a 400-yard swim.14-mile bicycle ride.5K run! Boom! "Jerry, you're missing out!"Jerry: Did you spike that shirt like a football?Brandon: Yup!Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show

Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Being a podcast guest can help you market your business, new book, online course, or special cause. Tom Schwab discusses why and how.We also have Tom share his story about seeking job security with careers in the military and corporate America. In both cases, he was surprised.Your job security is connected to your ability to serve others. Interview Valet is successful because of the service they provide to their clients and to the podcasts who host them like Beyond the Rut.Podcasting is the New NetworkingJoel Boggess from ReLaunch Show wrote an article on how podcasting is the new networking. Check out the link in the Resources section below.As a podcast guest, you can share your authentic self, your vision, and how you can serve people in a down-to-earth, conversational manner. You don't get that from a 30-second commercial or 2-minute television interview.Sinatra Only SangThey say that Frank Sinatra only focused on singing. He relied on others to take care of the things that were important to his career, yet not the best use of his talents.Entrepreneurs, authors, and speakers leverage Interview Valet so they can focus on what they do best. Interview Valet searches for podcasts that fit their clients' needs, reach out for interviews, and provide both the podcaster and the podcast guest with research portfolios to prepare both sides.Our interviews with both Tom Schwab and Matt Miller were arranged through Interview Valet and the experience has spoiled Brandon and I.Tom Schwab BioWhat's ordinary to you is amazing to me.Tom Schwab is the founder of Interview Valet. He helps small business owners, entrepreneurs, authors and speakers get featured on leading podcasts that their prospects are already listening to.Schwab shows them how to turn listeners into leads. His team delivers entertaining and actionable information that you can use today!Tom is also attempting to win the Guiness World Record for podcast interviews.Resources9 Secrets to Getting Booked on Your First Podcast - Special gift to you from Tom SchwabOur interview with Matt Miller, client of Interview Valet and founder of School Spirit VendingPodcasting is the New Networking by Joel Boggess on The Huffington Post Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself.Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show